Ooohhh I forgot this thread in the manicness of life!
Nothing much to report really. Both cats have been ill so much of the last 2 months have consisted of work and twice-weekly trips to the vets.
Yorkie has had a very malignant tumour removed, now we have to hope it doesn't return - he's doing well so far I've just about got him back to 'full speed' and now the other one is suffering with suspected pneumonia hopefully we've started treatment before its really got a hold, should have a better idea by next week.
We've had really good weather here for the last couple of weeks, broken by a thunderstorm and torrential rain today, its a bit cooler now but everything has freshened up with the rain. I have a sore shoulder where the sun caught me unawares on saturday, it is just getting to the 'itchy' stage - but I can't even touch it because its too painful, ouch! That'll learn me, as we say here LOL!